September 29, 2023

Good Morning Gardiner Hawks! These are your announcements for Friday, September 29th

September 15th to October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. After English, Spanish is the most spoken language across the United States.

Interested in joining backpack buddies?  Backpack buddies is a non-profit program that offers children non-perishable bags of food for the weekend and some breaks.  You can pick up a permission slip in the student support center and return it to Ms. Hernandez or Mrs. Shelton.

Lunch Buddies is starting up again!!

  Bring your lunch and your friends to the game room on Tuesdays at lunch to hang out, meet new people, and play some games.  Both lunches, starting Tuesday 10/3.

Calling all Gardiner 7th and 8th grade students!

Today is the last day for any 7th or 8th grader who would like to work in the student store this year to get your application in!  The store will be open after school so make sure that this fits into your schedule if you are applying. Applications can be picked up in the Columbia neighborhood from Mrs. Waite and are due TODAY!!. The Student store will be opening soon, so make sure you don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Please check Lost and Found so your items aren’t left over the weekend.

Joke of the Day:

  Who lives in the scary Hundred Acre Wood?

 Winnie the Boo. 

Today’s Menu Lineup from the cafeteria is

Lemon Pepper Chicken Bowl with Roasted Chickpeas

Greek Meatball Rice Bowl with Roasted Chickpeas

Chicken Sandwich Basket

Spicy Chicken Sandwich Basket

Cheeseburger Basket

Hamburger Basket

Smoothie with Fruit and Granola

Grab & Go’s :  Salads & Sandwiches

Gardiner Hawks are creative, collaborative, and perseverant! Make it a GREAT DAY


October 2, 2023


September 28, 2023