Health Education

In the 24-25 school year, the middle school Science and Intro to Health courses includes Health topics for one six-week grading period.  Health education is a required component of our district curriculum. 

Health Education Standards:
You can view health education standards on the Oregon Department of Education Health page.

Scope and Sequence:
Here you can see the topics that are covered at each grade level:

Oregon City Together:
The Oregon City School District is a partner of Oregon City Together. The coalition moves data-driven prevention strategies from vision to practice. They focus on preventing youth from using marijuana, alcohol, vaping and increasing awareness of the dangers of fentanyl.

Oregon City Together provides KnowYourNeuro to the students of Gardiner & Tumwata Middle Schools with a youth substance abuse prevention grant from Clackamas County Children, Family & Community Connections Division. Parents can also access this content and see what children are learning related to brain health, substance use/abuse, and thinking and coping skills.

Sexual Health:
The middle school Science course includes Health topics.  Health education is a required component of our district curriculum.  Oregon does allow students to be opted out of lessons in the sexual health unit by their parent/guardian. See the links below to the sexual health unit. This letter is located on the Gardiner website (click on the “Academics” drop-down menu, and choose the “Health” page). See the links below to the sexual health unit. Families can also come to the school to see the HealthyTeen textbook chapters that will be used or login to their student’s account through Classlink. The HealthyTeen textbook will be available to view at conferences on March 19-20 in Timber Hall. 

6th Grade:

English Materials

7th & 8th Grade:

Puberty Lesson and worksheet

Identity & Gender Lesson

Reproduction Lesson Female and Male

Contraception Lesson and handout

Condom Lesson

STis: HIV/Aids and Communicable Diseases Lesson

Clackamas Women’s Services Slideshows:

Middle School (within this link are folders-please see below for the folders for each grade)

6th - “Grade 6 Presentations” then Understanding Feelings, Cyberbullying, Staying Safe in Domestic Violence, Healthy Relationships

7th- Bystander Intervention, Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Roots of Violence

8th- Roots of Violence, Sexual Violence, Harms of Pornography, Victim Empathy 

Opt Out:
Gardiner Health Topic Opt Out Form English,Spanish