Northwest Outdoor Science School is a multi-day, overnight experience for 6th grade students. Our program is operated by the Northwest Regional Education Service District. Participants in the program live in, and learn about, the natural world at one of our five beautiful sites in northwest Oregon. Students learn in the outdoors while participating in hands-on, interactive and experiential activities that are taught mostly in small groups. Our fun field study activities are designed to teach students about nature while actually being in nature, which promotes a curiosity about, and appreciation for, the natural world.

May 27 - 31, 2025
Camp magruder

Outdoor School for Gardiner students in Deer & Trout.

Family Information Document

May 27 - 31, 2025
Camp meriwether

Outdoor School for Gardiner students in Eagle Creek & TU.

Family Information Document

Gardiner Middle School students must have a completed:

  1. Parent/Guardian (caregiver) Letter

  2. Permission Form and Student Health History

  3. Gardiner Middle School Outdoor School Behavior Contract - in English (p. 1) y en Español (p. 2)

  4. Gardiner Middle School Outdoor School Shirt Order Form - in English (p. 1) y en Español (p. 2)

Important Information:
Student Packing List - in English (p. 1) y en Español (p. 2)