track & FIeld
2025 MEET Dates - 4:30 p.m.
4/10 Kraxberger Middle School
4/15 Gardiner Middle School
4/24 Tumwata Middle School
4/29 Canby Middle School
5/6 Gardiner Middle School
5/13 Tualatin - District Championships
5/16 Corvallis High School - State Championship (if qualifies)
Start Date: March 17, 2025
Practices will be from 4:00-5:15, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Meets begin the week of April 10th and run through May 6th. Athletes that qualify for districts will have an additional meet the following week.
All sports have a $75 pay to play fee and will require a current sport physical on file with the school. You may bring the fee to the office or pay online.
Please Note:
TRANSPORTATION is only available on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Athletes will need to arrange their own transportation in order to stay on Fridays.
Remember both sports and activities are part of our school and the Student Code of Conduct does apply.
ALL Sports and ASA's end promptly at 5:15p.m.
Indicate if transportation is needed on the registration form.
Parent pick-ups need to be here no later than 5:25p.m.
Athletes still here at that time will be placed on the activity bus for home.
Students not involved in a Sport or ASA need to go home immediately after the final school bell. They will need to meet up with friends after their activity. There is no adult supervision provided for extra students.
Student spectators staying or coming back for a meet must have an adult with them as supervision. School staff is no longer responsible for non-athlete students during meets.