April 17, 2024
Good Morning Gardiner Hawks! These are your announcements for Wednesday, April 17th
Great job Hawks at the Track Meet yesterday!!
Please stop by the Lost and Found table and check for any clothing items, lunch boxes and water bottles that may belong to you. It is getting way too full again and belongings need to go home with their owners.
Only 3 more days for the Gardiner PTSO Flower Basket Fundraiser! Flower Baskets can be ordered using the online form, then drop off the payment in a sealed, labeled envelope to the front office. This is the last fundraiser of the year and will go towards end of year reward trip celebrations and more!
Next week is Spirit Week with dress up days! Remember that all dressing up must follow our district’s dress code. All images and words must be appropriate for school, staff must be able to identify you so you can’t have anything covering your face, your dress up can’t be disruptive to learning.
Monday is 90s Day
Tuesday will be Future Career Day
Wednesday will be Colors Day - look for posters to find your color to wear
Thursday will be Throwback to Spring Break (wear PJs, traveler clothes, what you wore on a vacation, etc.)
Friday is OC Spirit Day - wear your favorite Gardiner or Oregon City spirit wear
Remember that we have begun tracking criteria to participate in the end of the year celebration activities for each grade level. The end of year celebrations are a really cool day to get off campus, celebrate what we’ve done this year, and have some fun! We want to make sure you finish the year strong by being respectful, responsible, safe and kind! Starting today, through the celebration day we want to to encourage to ask yourself about your choices:
Is it respectful?
Is it responsible?
Is it safe?
Is it kind?
Weird Word Wednesday: Amok (amuk) - behave uncontrollably and disruptively.
The students were running amok during lunch recess.
Today’s lunch options from the kitchen include:
Calzones - Cheese or Pepperoni
Build Your Own Nacho, Taco, Burrito
Grab & Go’s : Hummus Box, Salads, Sandwiches, Parfaits
Gardiner Hawks are creative, collaborative, and perseverant! Make it a GREAT DAY!
Gardiner Hawks son creativos, colaborativos, y perseverantes!
(sewn) (cree-ay-TEE-vos) (co-lob-o-raw-TEE-vos) (ee) (per-se-ve-RON-tays)
¡Que sea un gran día!
(kay) (see-uh) (oon) (gron) (DEE-uh)